02/07/2024 0 Comments
Letter from Canon Peter Farley-Moore
Letter from Canon Peter Farley-Moore
# News
Letter from Canon Peter Farley-Moore
Dear Church of Ascension,
I was really touched by your kind and thoughtful leaving gift presented to me last
Sunday, thank you. Andrea and I will look forward to cooking meals in our new pot
and remembering times of fellowship and meals with friends at Church of the
I have so many fond memories to take with me to Wakefield from my time at
Ravensbourne Team and sharing mission and ministry with you at The Ascension.
Particularly thankful for Advent Carol Services, Cricket Matches, Ascension Day
services and the inclusive, mission focused way in which you approach church life. I
have been blessed by your friendship, caring commitment to one another and your
team work, thank you.
Last Sunday I was preaching on The Parable of the Talents and finished with these
words which I mean sincerely:
“As I bid my farewell as your team rector, I want to thank you for sharing your talents
with me, and sharing your unique gift and grace as a community with me. Keep up
the good work, keep on building God’s kingdom and remember that one day you will
see your reward and be welcomed into the eternal kingdom where God’s grace and
goodness abound. Amen”
My last service at St John’s will be on Christmas Day and we are planning to move
to Wakefield in January, my Collation as Canon Missioner will be at Choral
Evensong on Wednesday 24 March (after my sabbatical) and I will be installed after
Easter. The hope is that by the time of the installation we will be more Covid-free
with travel more possible and it would be lovely if anyone would like to join us from
Blackheath, I will keep you posted with dates.
With my love and prayers,
Revd Canon Peter Farley-Moore
Team Rector Ravensbourne Team (St John’s Deptford)