Christening and baptism are two words which mean the same thing. In the baptism service we make a statement that someone is a child of God, washing them with water to symbolise the washing away of sin and the blessing of new life in Jesus Christ. In baptism a child or adult is given their name as a sign that they are a unique individual, a precious child of God.

If you would like to be baptised yourself, or to have your child baptised, we would be delighted to arrange this. The usual process is to first set the date for the christening, as we are booked up several months in advance. We usually hold christenings during the 10.30am service. Before the christening one of the clergy will come and visit you and answer any questions you may have.
For more details please contact us, or come to one of our services. You can also drop into church at 11:30 am on a Sunday morning and catch us at the end of the service.