Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

# 1 Roof

Lest We Forget

Following the end of World War 1 the Ascension joined churches throughout the country in recalling the names of those from the parish who had died in battle or as a result of their wounds. The church decided to give thanks for victory and for the fact that no lives were lost or houses destroyed in the parish. £1,000 was raised to renew the heating system, repair the roof, redecorate, and install the memorial tablet with the names of the 38 men from the parish who lost their lives.

During the War the Ascension had welcomed and provided services for the British regiments en route to France.  In 1915 the parish magazine recorded: " Some 200 Gloucesters were in church before Christmas......a churchwarden has thrown open two rooms in his house for the soldiers to smoke and play games. Others have lent bathrooms and proferred hospitality."

Image of YMCA Hut on Blackheath

You can visit and comment on the "One Roof Many Stories" web page for more on this and numerous other stories of the Ascension

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  The Ascension, Blackheath   ·   Dartmouth Row London SE10 8AW       07572873327       info@ascension-blackheath.org